05 April, 2006

This is not the state I grew up in

An Indianapolis middle-schooler has been suspended and recommend for expulsion for turning in a knife. (Hat Tip: Mungo)

I generally hold up Indiana as a place of common sense, somewhere where, for example, it is illegal to purchase alcohol from a motor vehicle (unlike Ohio). It looks like the edu-nazis are taking over there as well. I can still remember the day my senior year of highschool when one of the underclassmen brought a gun to school. This was back in the pre-Columbine days, mind you.

The boy brought an unloaded pistol to school to scare a kid he'd been fighting with. He received a 3 day in-school suspension. That was it. I can remember the principal getting on the intercom that afternoon to say, "Well, folks, someone has ruined it for you. We had a kid bring a gun to school today and threatened someone. I know you boys like to go hunting before you come into school in the morning, but I'm not going to be able to let you keep your guns in your trucks anymore."

Yes, it was a very small school in a very hick town.

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