18 September, 2006

I am in geek heaven.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of this blog, but I just had to point out that I just found Wil Wheaton's blog. As a card carrying geek and a 30-year-old, he had a huge impact on my childhood. I mean, he was like my second official crush (after Kirk Cameron, of course). I never would have watched ST:TNG if he hadn't been on it. I wanted to be on the Enterprise, helping him solve equations and save the universe. And, I can relate to all the ubergeek references he makes. Good times, good times.

I might even have to revive the crush. My current crush is Daniel Jackson from Stargate. My husband is cool with it, since he thinks Col. Carter is amazing. Man are we geeks.

(As an aside, I can still remember the rejoicing in my Christian college dorm when the news was announced that Kirk Cameron had come to Christ.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only know Will Wheaton from Stand By Me. My best friend had a crush on him, but I had one on River Phoenix. Of course that movie is full of expletives, and lots of crudity, but it's otherwise very good!